Next Up Roadmap

Ona Staff
June 22, 2015

Since it’s always good to know what’s coming up, here are a few new features you should look out for on in the next few weeks.

Improved charts

Summary charts will be embeddable, made persistent, and slightly customized. This will allow you to change a chart’s title, as well as generate code to embed it on a blog or website. Admins can also create charts for people shared on the project to view just by going to the charts data tab.

Filtered Data Views

Sometimes datasets include information you don’t want to share with others. Or, sometimes you want to curate the data for easier understanding. Filtered Data Views give you both. They are a powerful collaboration tool allowing you to select the fields you want to show, so you can hide private data such as names or sensitive details. You can also filter the answers so records only appear if specific answers show up. When sharing, a Filtered Data View can be placed in a different project than the original parent dataset, allowing you to control permissions separately.

##Downloads by form version

We added the ability to replace forms with data a few months ago and we’re following up by allowing you to download data by form version. Now you’ll be able to download only the data associated with your old form or only the most recent.

Old Ona feature conversion

While Ona Beta covers most of the features from Ona, we’re working to finish up the remaining bits. This means you’ll see webhooks and a photo tab in the data view soon.

Better performance

Finally, we’re improving performance in terms of website speed, data syncing, and uptime.

Let us know if you’d like to see anything that would help you collect data, understand it, and collaborate with the information you discover — email
