Transforming RDTs for Precision Public Health
Over the past four years, we applied an investment from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to establish open guidelines for the hardware of rapid diagnostic tests, the software that interprets them, and the health information systems that use these test results to better guide care. We recently published our findings in JMIR Biomedical Engineering.

The article argues that in both routine and emergency scenarios, adopting open guidelines for rapid diagnostic tests would apply key advances in information technology to close the critical gap between diagnostics and public health interventions, and enable a new era of precision public health. We want to thank Summit Institute of Development in Indonesia and Kenya Medical Research Institute for collaborating with us on this work, and BMGF for their support and dedication for improving public health technology.
An underlying motivation for our digital health platforms is to accelerate the advancement of precision healthcare. As such, we are building the technical infrastructure required to provide precision care through FHIR-based apps running SMART Guidelines content. Get in touch if you are interested in working together on these unique opportunities,, on Twitter @onadata and LinkedIn.