Tech - January 30, 2020

Using FHIR with Google Cloud, BigQuery, and the AI Platform

From our XLSForm definitions in Ona Data to our JSON Forms in OpenSRP, the work we do at Ona is built upon community driven standards. As we further integrate HL7 FHIR (Fast Health Interoperability Resources) into OpenSRP, we’ve been exploring the existing tooling available. In this post we’ll dive into the Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

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Tech - January 25, 2020

Clojure & JavaScript Higher-order Functions

It was not easy for me to learn JavaScript. And when it came to learning higher-order functions, I had to take a break — literally get up and take a walk around the block — because I couldn’t seem to understand it. But through my pain, I’ve put together a short guide that hopefully makes it clearer

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Tech - December 19, 2019

Plotting Real-Time Locations with Mapbox

In this post we will leverage Mapbox’s real time live data plotting abilities to track the International Space Station (ISS) location on a map in real time. Real-time mapping and geolocation tracking is a core feature for web and mobile applications across many industries. In simpler words, this feature detects and streams location data to

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Perspective - October 01, 2019

Ona United F.C.

Nairobi football (and technology) powerhouses Ona United F.C. and Gro Intelligence battled it out on the pitch this past Thursday. No one kept score and it was all smiles at the end. Thanks to everyone for participating, and we’re looking forward to the next match!

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Tech - September 17, 2019

Terraform 101

Terraform is a product from Hashicorp. It is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. Written in Go, Terraform creates a plan for how it will build your infrastructure and then executes it. Recently, we held our first master class in Terraform, courtesy of our Director of Engineering and SRE team. It

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Perspective - September 13, 2019

Impostor Syndrome – A Silent Topic Among New Engineers

by Elly Starting out as a software engineer is not easy. Tech companies are competitive and keeping up with the ever-evolving technology is challenging. When I started at Ona as an intern, surrounded by smart people and high expectations, I began to have feelings of inadequacy. Which is why I’m sharing my experience with imposter

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Press - August 06, 2019

Ona Engineers Presenting at droidconKE August 8th and 9th

We are very excited to be at droidconKE this Thursday and Friday to see two presentations from Ona Engineers. Droidcon is a global conference focused on the engineering of Android applications. The gathering held at the iHub in Nairobi Kenya from August 8th to 9th 2019 will be the largest of its kind in Africa. Allan Onchuru will

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Perspective - June 26, 2019

Joining our solutions team: My time at Ona so far

by Bilhah Ona staff having lunch on the kitchen island Every day at Ona presents a new learning opportunity — more so when working in the Client Solutions and Support team. Working on this team has greatly contributed to my learning of the Ona system, since clients bring up issues and requests that require a

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Resources - June 24, 2019

Data Verification in Ona using Submission Review

Data review is a key step in the data collection process that ensures completeness, consistency, accuracy, and appropriateness of data, and generally builds confidence in data used for decision making. We are introducing a submission review feature to paid Ona accounts so teams can collaboratively review submissions and assign pending, accepted or rejected statuses. Submission

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Work - June 05, 2019

Ona Supports Emergency Response in Mozambique and Zimbabwe

 Damaged buildings in Beira, Mozambique. Photo credit: Sean Blaschke/UNICEF/2019 In March 2019, Cyclone IDAI hit Southeast Africa. Billed as one of the deadliest tropical storms to hit the southern hemisphere, the cyclone pummeled into Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi. The devastating winds (up to 120kph), heavy rains and the resulting flooding and landslides left dozens of lives lost,

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