Tagged in Analysis

Perspective - June 10, 2024

Announcing Ona's 2023/24 Impact Report

Driving meaningful social impact using data and technology is at the heart of our mission. Subsequently, we are proud to announce our 2023/24 Impact Report, Building Next-Gen Tools For Scaled Impact.

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Perspective - March 10, 2023

Sri Lanka’s digital health blueprint highlights the power of FHIR

For two weeks in February the Ona team traveled to Sri Lanka to build and deploy a FHIR native app for diabetes screening. We are collaborating with the Health Information Systems Programme Sri Lanka (HISP SL), the Sri Lanka Ministry of Health, and the World Diabetes Foundation (WDF).

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Perspective - August 30, 2022

Ona at FHIR DevDays 2022

Back in June, I was part of the Ona contingent attending the 2022 HL7 FHIR DevDays in Cleveland, Ohio. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to visit the U.S., learn more about FHIR, and hone my FHIR skills.

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Perspective - April 04, 2022

Powering interoperability with a FHIR to DHIS2 adapter

The HL7 FHIR standard is emerging as an integral solution to the much discussed interoperability challenges in global health. However, there are many operational platforms that use proprietary formats and there is a large quantity of data “locked” in those proprietary formats. As new projects go live at scale we are building tools to 1) unlock

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Perspective - January 10, 2018

Applying the Principles for Digital Development to Data Platforms

In Streaming Ona Data with NiFi, Kafka, Druid, and Superset, we went into detail on our technical approach to building a streaming data architecture, yet we skipped over why this is important. Simply put, we think the widespread practice of building custom software solutions in international development is a waste of time and money. This isn’t

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Perspective - December 14, 2016

Ona: Years 0 to 3

We did a few visualizations about Ona’s first three years. Huzzah!

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