In pursuit of universal health access.
EHR software that empowers frontline community health workers to bring vital services to all.

OpenSRP 2 is an open-source electronic health record platform designed for use by frontline health workers in low connectivity environments on basic Android devices. It supports data collection, client management, reporting, and can integrate with many health information system platforms. To learn more about the OpenSRP 2 open-source technology platform, read about it at
OpenSRP 2 is our platform that enables us to efficiently and reliably configure, build, deploy, and maintain OpenSRP 2 software for clients around the world.

OpenSRP 2 implementation process
We fit OpenSRP 2 to your health system's exact requirements by solving the biggest problems at each step in transitioning to a digital health platform:
- Transformation of existing health system workflows and data to a digital format in as little as two months
- Human centered design approach (research, design, content strategy, high fidelity prototypes, user acceptance testing)
- Agile software development process (infrastructure, security, mobile, desktop)
- Project management services (delivery, partner advocacy, quality assurance, coordination)
- Launch scripts and knowledge of server set up
- Hardware distribution planning
- Effective and specialized training with experience in maternal and child health, parasitic disease, HIV and TB, integrated community case management, nutrition and stock management
- DevOps infrastructure to deploy new servers in a fast, reliable, and secure way.
- Implementation support (tech capacity hand-off, training, documentation, maintenance support)
- Local technical partner training for long term software maintenance and updates
- Integration with popular HMIS platforms like DHIS2 and OpenMRS
Ona-developed OpenSRP in the field
ANC Reference App
The Antenatal Care Reference App is a forward thinking mobile application used to embody the World Health Organization’s guidelines in an interactive, applied format.
Zambia EIR
The Zambia Electronic Immunization Register is a facility-based app for improving immunization rates in rural Zambia.
Malawi eRegister
An initiative to digitize the Bilira Health Center in Ntcheu district–Malawi to improve health outcomes through optimization and improvement of health service delivery.
Ona is the OpenSRP 2 technical lead and acts as a global technical partner.