Press - April 30, 2018

Ona News

What’s new? Introducing the Canopy Data Platform Canopy is Ona’s new enterprise analytics solution that complements the data collection done in Ona and other sources. With Canopy, organisations are able to understand the data they have collected, effortlessly draw key insights, review historical trends and make informed decisions. Canopy enables our clients to take advantage of

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Press - April 23, 2018

Meet Ona at ICT4D 2018 in Lusaka, Zambia

We are excited to announce that Ona will be at the ICT4D Conference in Lusaka from May 8–10, 2018. We will be represented by our CEO, Matt Berg, Director of Client Solutions, Erick Ngwiri, and Health Solutions Lead, Carolyn Gulas. Visit us at the exhibition area at the Mulungushi International Conference Center (MICC) in Lusaka to learn more

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Press - April 18, 2018

Bill Gates gives a demo of mSpray at Malaria Summit 2018

Today we were humbled and amazed to see Bill Gates demo our work on mSpray, and describe it as pioneering! mSpray is a tool we developed with Akros in Zambia. With mSpray, we’ve shown that we can reduce malaria by 22% — that’s a 15% increase over traditional indoor residual spraying (IRS) programs. Using these

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Press - April 17, 2018

General Data Protection Regulation at Ona

The EU has introduced important new data privacy legislation called General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that will go in effect May 25th. This new sweeping regulation, introduced to strengthen the privacy rights of EU citizens, represents important new data protection guidelines that all organizations working on the internet should be aware of. GDPR is meant to protect

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Press - March 08, 2018

See us at the USAID Digital Development Forum in DC

Ona is excited to be participating in the USAID Digital Development Forum: The Next 10 Years. The event brings together over 150 thought leaders, experts, practitioners, and innovators to discuss how organizations can tackle the development challenges by adopting information and communication technologies. We will have a demo table set up in Academy Hall where we’ll

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Press - November 13, 2017

How ACTED Kenya-Somalia uses Ona to Ensure Better Data Quality

We are pleased to share a guest blog post written by Rose Mutisya, from ACTED Kenya-Somalia. ACTED is an international NGO operating in 35 countries around the world and is committed to providing immediate humanitarian relief to support those in urgent need and protect people’s dignity, while co-creating longer term opportunities for sustainable growth and fulfilling

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Press - November 10, 2017

Champions and super users: the health workers behind BID’s success

Ona is partnering with PATH and the Zambian Ministry of Health and local technology partner, BlueCode, to adapt OpenSRP to the vaccination workflows of health workers in Zambia’s Southern Province. We wrote earlier this year about the project, which is in support of the Better Immunization Data (BID) Initiative. We are excited to repost this article

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Press - May 05, 2017

Ona at the 2017 ICT4D Conference

Ona will be at the 2017 ICT4D Conference in Hyderabad on 15–16 May 2017. Erick Ngwiri, Director of Client Solutions, will be speaking about Empowering organizations worldwide with collective intelligence. His talk will focus on how Ona uses geospatial check-ins to improve the targeting and delivery of IRS malaria spraying in over 120,000 homes in

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Press - February 28, 2017

Nairobi GNU/Linux Users Group Meetup on March 4th

Come join the Nairobi GNU/Linux Users Group meetup on Saturday, March 4th at the Ona Kenya office from 4PM to 7PM EAT. Ona engineer, Njagi Mwaniki will be giving a 30-minute talk on a bot he made for the group’s IRC channel using Haskell. His talk will be followed by an open discussion session. Snacks will be

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Press - February 05, 2017

New Murals in the Nairobi Office

The walls in our Nairobi office are starting to look better! Onto a workroom wall, Roger Wong painted the image from the December newsletter. Check out a timelapse of half of the progress below. Tip: recharge your batteries before starting a timelapse :). In the breakroom, we commmissioned a group of rising local artists to paint

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