Press - December 21, 2016

Thank you and happy holidays 2016!

With 2016 coming to an end, the whole Ona team wanted to send a “Thank You” to all of the customers, users, friends, and family of Ona. To show how happy we are to have your support, we created the Thank you / happy holidays survey. Since so many of you use Ona for mapping points,

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Press - September 30, 2016

Highlights of The World Vision Tech Expo

Ona at the World Vision Tech Expo Last week, World Vision held a technology expo at the Great Rift Valley Lodge in Naivasha. Professionals and technology firms, including Ona, were in attendance to network and learn about the great work others are doing. As a social enterprise that uses technology to make data accessible, we

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Press - September 26, 2016

Ona at the 4th International Humanitarian Conference

Ona participated in the 4th International Humanitarian Conference at The Boma Hotel in Nairobi from 21st – 22nd September. The two-day conference was organized by the Inter-Agency Working Group on Disaster Preparedness for East and Central Africa in collaboration with Christian Blind Mission, Handicap International, HelpAge International, Christian Aid International, Save the Children and World

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Press - September 15, 2016

Don't Settle. Get The Right Data Collection Tool For Your Survey

Whether you are an organization carrying out humanitarian/development initiatives around the world, or a student carrying out research for a project, when it comes to selecting a data collection tool for your next survey, choosing the first result on Google’s first page may not be the wisest choice to make. You have to be thorough

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Press - August 30, 2016

Karibu Megan and Henry!

We are happy to introduce Megan Schroeder and Henry Ng’enda, the new members of the Ona team. Megan is taking over from Sylvia Musula as our new support and M&E manager, handling client projects, and overseeing the support team. She has a degree in biomedical engineering from the University of Minnesota and a Master of

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Press - July 26, 2016

Welcome Jason and Kipsigei!

Last week saw two new members join our cause… introducing Jason Rogena and Kipsigei Cheroigin! Jason has joined us as a software developer for Android. He previously worked as a developer for Sendy where he managed the servers and back end code. At Ona, he will be helping out on the OpenSRP Team and aid

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Press - June 22, 2016

Ona now fully supports HXL

We are really excited to announce that Ona now fully supports the Humanitarian Exchange Language, or HXL. HXL is designed to improve information sharing during a humanitarian crisis by creating a simple way to promote interoperablity of data. It does this through an ingenius approach of coding data through hashmarks (#), similar to Twitter. Part of

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Press - May 23, 2016

Ona at the World Humanitarian Summit This Week

Ona will be at the 2016 World Humnitarian Summit in Istanbul on May 23 and 24. We’ll be at the Innovation Market Place in booth 039 to talk about our work in Somalia with DFID. We’ll also be available to talk about the Ona platform. Stop by the booth to say hello!

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Press - May 12, 2016

Ona at the 2016 ICT4D Conference next week

Ona will be at the 2016 ICT4D Conference in Nairobi next week. We’ll be giving a talk, speaking on a panel, and meeting with partners. Ukang’a Dickson is speaking about Advanced Mapping, Workflows, Real-Time Data Analysis and Sharing with Ona on Wednesday, May 18 @ 10:45 am. Matt Berg is participating on an OpenSRP panel on Monday, May 16

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Press - May 05, 2016

What's New in Ona: Release Notes

We’re constantly working to improve Ona, but we’ve overlooked letting the world know what’s been updated. To fix this, we’ve added Release Notes to keep track of updates in each release. We’ll also be sending monthly email summaries to those of you on the mailing list. Here’s the latest summary: Chart Improvements We’ve added a few things

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