Tech - April 21, 2016

Working with Data in the Unix Shell

I recently gave a talk at a data science meetup organized by the good people at iHub Research, on using Unix shell tools to work with data. It was primarily a hands-on workshop, but the slides I prepared may be useful to those who couldn’t make it. You can find the presentation embedded below.

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Resources - April 15, 2016

Introducing ona.R - Easily use Ona in R

One of the great things about the R programming language is the thousands of packages users have written to solve problems in areas of data import, data wrangling and data visualization. We’re glad to introduce ona.R, a package that helps you import data from your Ona account into R. This package is a direct fork of Prabhas Pokharel’s awesome formhub.R library. As we work

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Press - April 08, 2016

OpenSRP Nairobi technology sprint, take two!

In mid-March, Ona hosted the second OpenSRP engineering sprint, bringing engineers from around the world to Ona’s Nairobi office. Engineering partners from SID (Indonesia), mPower (Bangladesh), IHS (Pakistan), OpenMRS, ThoughtWorks and Jembi (South Africa) joined the sprint to enhance the user experience and performance of OpenSRP, an mHealth platform that empowers frontline health workers in developing countries to deliver more effective healthcare. Ona is the technology lead

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Press - April 04, 2016

Five additions to the Ona team

Two weeks ago, the entire Ona team was together in Nairobi. It was a great opportunity to take a pic outside our office. If you look at the photo carefully, you’ll notice we’ve added a few vital roles. A warm welcome to Faith, James, Njagi, Rosalia and Sandra. Faith is joining our support team to

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Press - March 31, 2016

Ona endorses the Principles for Digital Development

Ona is proud to endorse the Principles for Digital Development. While both improving our technology platform and consulting with partners, our team is guided the Principles on a daily basis. Technology affords new opportunities for governments, development and humanitarian organizations and communities to be increasingly data driven, collaborative and accountable. We believe the principles provide important

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Resources - March 29, 2016

Updates to user permissions in ODK Collect

One of the major new features that we introduced with the release of our new platform last fall is the ability to assign role-based permissions to projects. This had been one of our most requested features from the previous Ona version, and we’re excited to support this now for all users on Users can now create projects on Ona and add

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Resources - February 26, 2016

Exporting data with labels

A few emails have come in requesting support for questions as headings in data exports. We have heeded your call and are glad to announce this is now possible. When exporting CSV, Excel and CSV Zip files, you can choose whether labels and/or names show up as column headers. Using XLSForm syntax, the label column contains the actual

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Press - February 12, 2016

Writing Python Code to Decide an Election

The long awaited video from Ona’s keynote presentation at PyConZA 2014. A while back Ona was given three weeks to write the software that will tally votes in the Libyan elections and decide who wins and who loses. This is not something we could get wrong. We combined agile development with best practices in testing

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Tech - February 07, 2016

Automating Style In Clojure

We do everything we can to improve code quality. Our process includes rigorous code reviews focused on getting the correct level of abstraction, modularity, and reusability. We quickly realized that nitpicking code format and line length was distracting us from our goals. It isn’t that those aspects aren’t important, but that they should be standardized

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Tech - February 02, 2016

Squashing Commits with an Interactive Git Rebase

There are plenty of reasons to get familiar with and start using git’s interactive rebase. You might want to edit a commit message, delete commits, reorder commits, or edit commits. Here we will talk about using it to “squash” (as in combine, merge, or meld) multiple commits into a single commit. In our specific use case,

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